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1. In which group of the periodic table are the noble gases found?
2. Which of the following is NOT a noble gas?
3. Why are noble gases generally unreactive?
4. Noble gases exist as:
5. What type of intermolecular forces exists between noble gas atoms?
6. As you move down the noble gases group in the periodic table what happens to their boiling points?
7. Which noble gas has the lowest boiling point?
8. What happens to the density of the noble gases as you move down the group?
a) It decrease b) It increases c) It fluctuates d) It remains constant
9. Why does radon have a higher density than helium?
a) Radon has fewer atoms in a given volume b) Radon atoms are heavier c) Helium has stronger intermolecular forces d) Helium has a larger atomic radius
10. Neon is commonly used in?
a) Welding b) Weather balloons c) Advertising signs d) Super conducting magnets
11. Liquid helium is used for?
a) Welding b) Cooling super conducting magnets c) High street lightning d) Filling light bulbs
12. Why is argon gas used in welding?
a) Because it is very unreactive b) Because it is less dense than air c) Because it is denser than air and unreactive d) Because it has a high melting point
13. What is the octet rule?
a) A rule used to help predict the colour of gases b) A rule stating that full electron shells are stable c) A rule used in working out the density of a gas d) A rule used to help predict the type of intermolecular bonding present in gases
14. What is the main property that almost all the uses of the noble gases rely on?
a) Their lack of colour b) Their low boiling points c) Their reactivity d) Their lack of reactivity
15. Which element below will the heavier noble gases such as radon, xenon and krypton form compounds with?
a) Sodium b) Francium c) Potassium d) Fluorine